Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


Ako, pili; kaʻa lau niu (coconut-leaf); lolelau. Thatch needle, ʻōhiʻu. Thatch purlin, ʻaho, ʻaʻaho, lolo, lolo ʻiole. Thatch purlin support, ʻahopiʻo kuahui. Thatch above a door, piko. To cut this thatch, ʻoki i ka piko, mō ka piko. To thatch, ako, kaupoku, ʻōhiʻu, paʻi. To thatch the inside of the house, kā lau. To tie a thatch purlin to roof frame, hōʻaho.

e ako hale i ka pili.


/ Thătch / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

n. Mea ulu ako hale.


/ Thătch / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

v. E ako hale.

E huli iā “thatch” ma Ulukau.

Search for “thatch” on Ulukau.

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