Haʻi, haʻina, hōʻike, ʻōlelo. To tell tales, haʻi moʻolelo, kole, pālau, pākaʻa; hoʻoholo ʻōlelo, pekapeka (gossip). To tell of the times, haʻi manaw. To tell woes, ʻōhumuhumu. To tell evil, holehole (fig.). To tell of ancestors, haʻi kupuna.
Haʻi, haʻina, hōʻike, ʻōlelo. To tell tales, haʻi moʻolelo, kole, pālau, pākaʻa; hoʻoholo ʻōlelo, pekapeka (gossip). To tell of the times, haʻi manaw. To tell woes, ʻōhumuhumu. To tell evil, holehole (fig.). To tell of ancestors, haʻi kupuna.
e hai aku, e olelo hoike.
hai. e hai aku, e olelo hoike, e helu.
hă'ĭ; (count), he'lŭ: bank teller, lu'nă he'lŭ kālā.
v. E hai; e helu.
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