Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Haʻi, haʻina, hōʻike, ʻōlelo. To tell tales, haʻi moʻolelo, kole, pālau, pākaʻa; hoʻoholo ʻōlelo, pekapeka (gossip). To tell of the times, haʻi manaw. To tell woes, ʻōhumuhumu. To tell evil, holehole (fig.). To tell of ancestors, haʻi kupuna.

e hai aku, e olelo hoike.

hai. e hai aku, e olelo hoike, e helu.

hă'ĭ; (count), he'lŭ: bank teller, lu'nă he'lŭ kālā.

v. E hai; e helu.

E huli iā “tell” ma Ulukau.

Search for “tell” on Ulukau.

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