Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Pākaukau. Also: pākau, papa, papa kaukau, pūneʻe. Dining table, papa ʻaina, papa pāʻina, pākaukau ʻaina. Folding table, pākaukau ʻopiʻopi. Extension table, pākaukau uai i ka loa. Stone table, papa pōhaku. Table of contents, papa kuhikuhi. Statistical table, papa helu. To table, as a motion, hoʻomoe, waiho loa.

Bedside ~, nightstand. Pākaukau moe (also preceded by ke). See water table. ~ leg. Wāwae pākaukau. ~ lamp. Kukui kū pākaukau.

As of statistics, etc. Pakuhi papa. See multiplication tables.

he papa, papapaina, &c.

h. he papaaina, he papakakau, he papainoa.

pă'pă; (stand), pākaŭkaŭ.


/ Tā'ble / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

v. E waiho ma ka papa, Table a bill, e waiho ka bila ma ka papa.


/ Tă'ble / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

n. 1. Papa. Multiplication table, papa, hoonui. 2. Dining table, papa aina; papa kaukau. 3. Writing table, papa kakau.

E huli iā “table” ma Ulukau.

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