Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. Clothing. Paʻa, paʻa lole, paʻa lole komo.

2. Court action. Hoʻopiʻi, hihia. Suit over land, hoʻopiʻi ʻāina. Damage suit, hoʻopiʻi pohō. Suit involving smuggling, hihia waiwai kolohe.

3. To please or satisfy. Kū i ka makemake, kū pono i ka manaʻo, kohu pono. Suit yourself, aia nō ia iā ʻoe (see aia). Not suiting, kū ʻole i ka hoi (see hoi). This suits me fine, kohu pono kēia iaʻu; kū kēia i koʻu makemake.

Space ~. Paʻalole hele lewa. See warm-up suit.

As in a deck of playing cards. Paʻa likelike.

he mau mea ku like.

e ku like.

h. he mau mea ku like, he hookolokolo kanawai ana.

hai. e ku like.

(clothes), pa'ă lo'lě kŏ'mŏ; (action at law), hĭhĭ'ă; (courtship), 'ĭ'mĭ ma'lě.

1. Paa. Suit of clothes, paa lole komo. 2. Hihia hookolokolo. 3. He imi mare. To press a suit, e koi e mare.

Ku; kupono.

E huli iā “suit” ma Ulukau.

Search for “suit” on Ulukau.

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