Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


Keiki, weli, kawowo, hehu; ʻohā (taro); pōhuli (banana); maka (ʻawapuhi); ʻumiʻumi (attaching bivalves to rocks).

Also lollipop. Kanakē ʻau, kō omōmo.

Insect ~, an instrument for drawing an insect into a tube by suction. Mea omo ʻelala.

(shoot), 'ohā', pōhu'lĭ; (fool), hūpō.


/ Sŭck'er / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

He oha'; pohuli.

E huli iā “sucker” ma Ulukau.

Search for “sucker” on Ulukau.

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