Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. Blow. Hāuna, hauhāuna, hahau, hau, uhau, lāʻau, hili; , ʻai, kiʻina (of an instrument).

2. To touch lightly. Kahi, hamo.

3. Sudden attack. Huki, kūhewa, kauhola, ulupō, huki leo paʻa.

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Breast ~; to swim the breast ~. ʻAu umauma. Back ~; to swim the back ~. ʻAu kua. Side ~; to swim the side ~. ʻAu ʻaoʻao. Butterfly ~; to swim the butterfly ~. ʻAu mālolo. See crawl, dog paddle.

he hahau ana, he kaha.

(blow), hahaŭ, hi'lĭ; (pen), kă'hă; (business), pu'kă; (oar), kū ă'nă; to stroke, kă'hĭ 'o'lŭ'o'lŭ.

1. He kui; hahau; hili. 2. He kaha. Stroke of the pen, kaha ana o ka peni. 3. A good stroke of business, puka pono ma ka oihana. 4. Stroke of the oar, ke ku ana o ka hoe i ka wai. 5. Stroke of sickness, ka loaa ana o ka mai; ka loohia'na o ka mai.

E kahi oluolu me ka lima.

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E huli iā “stroke” ma Ulukau.

Search for “stroke” on Ulukau.

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