Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. Filter. Kānana, kālana, kāʻeʻe; paka (as dregs from medicinal herbs); ʻānana (as juice or poi); hoka, pākā (as kava).

2. Exert. Hoʻoikaika; kōhi (as in childbirth); uhakole (as at stool); strain and grunt, hōʻiʻī (fig., stingy).

3. Hereditary character. Welo.

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hai. e huki ikaika, e okupe, e kanana.

(racial), ma'mŏ: to strain, hŏ'ŏmālŏ'ělŏ'ě; (as rope), li'ŏli'ŏ; (to filter), kānă'nă, kă'kă.

1. E hoomaloeloe. SYN. stretch tightly. 2. E kanana. E hai. SYN. sprain. 4. E hooikaika nui. SYN. strain every nerve.

E huli iā “strain” ma Ulukau.

Search for “strain” on Ulukau.

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