Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


See stalk. Also: kū (as of a goblet); kano (as on a banana bunch); ʻamokiʻi (as of fruits, tubers); ʻaukā (long); hokua, hiʻanakiʻu (of vine); iwi (stem and midrib, as of ti leaf). Ti stem, ʻau kī. Gourd-leaf stem, hā ipu. Place of attachment of stem to leaf, piko.

h. ke kumu o ka laau, o ka mea kanu paha, he kupuna.

hai e holo kue i ke au.

h. e holo kue i ke au.

kŭ'mŭ; (as of vessel), ĭ'hŭ, mu'ă.

1. He kumu. Stem of an apple, kumu ka ohia. 2. Ihu o ka moku; ko mua oka moku. From stem to stern, mai mua a hope o ka moku.

E hoo-ku-e'. Stem the tide, e hooikaika ku-e' i ke au.

E huli iā “stem” ma Ulukau.

Search for “stem” on Ulukau.

Hāpai i wehewehena hou a i ʻole i ʻōlelo hoʻoponoponoSuggest a translation or correction

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