Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Huinahā kaulike, huinahā like, kuea; ʻili (in measurements). Square foot, kapuaʻi kuea, kapuaʻi ʻili. Square root, kumu kuea.

In math. Pāhoʻonui lua. See entries below and cubed, hundredths square. The ~ of the number. Ka pāhoʻonui lua o ka helu. Geometric shape. Huinahā like.

h. he mea huinaha-like, he kuea.

kuěă, hŭĭnăhă'; (just), hŏ'ŏpo'nŏ, kăŭlĭ'kě.


/ Squâre / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

1. Huina-ha-kupono; aoao like. 2. Hoopono; pololei. SYN. just; honest.


/ Squâre / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

1. He huina-ha-kupono, aoao like. 2. He helu i hoonui iameia iho; he mana. 3. Kuea kamena'. 4. Wahi akea, kaawale iloko o ke kulanakauhale.

E huli iā “square” ma Ulukau.

Search for “square” on Ulukau.

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