Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Hāliʻi, laha. Also: ʻaʻai (as a sore); ʻaʻama (the fingers); ʻapakau (as sunlight); hāliʻi pili (as rain over pili grass); hela (as the arms); hola, hohola, pāhola, ʻuhola, holopapa, hihi, hihina; paʻahihi, malele (here and there); pāhihi, oha, hīkākā (as vines); hamo, hāpola (as butter); hikikiʻi (as mist); hōlapu, hoʻolapa (as fire); hoʻokio; kaʻapeha (wings or tail feathers); kāhela, kūkawowo, hoʻolaha, hoʻolaulaha, laulaha, pālaha, maʻau, moʻau, mana; manana (as octopus tentacles); moana, moanaana, mahola, māholahola, mōhā, mōhāhā, mohala, mōhalahala, mohahala, mōhola, nakulu, nana, neʻepapa, neneʻe; pākiʻi (flat); peleleu, puakea, pūnohu, uhi, ulu. Rare: īheʻe, nanaʻi, ualei. Patchwork spread or quilt, uhi ʻāpana. Spread the knees, hāliʻi kuli. Spread the news, kuʻi ka lono, lonopapa, laulaha. Spread gossip, holoholo ʻōlelo.

As data on a graph, in math. Waiho.

Nā LepiliTags: math

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

e hohola ae, e hoopalahalaha aku.

hai. e hoopalahalaha, e hohola aku.

(feast), 'ăhă'ăĭnă: to spread, lă'hă; (as cloth), hālĭ'ĭ, hŏho'lă; (as news), hŏ'ŏlă'hă.

1. E uhola; e halii. Spread the bed, e halii i ka moe. 2. E hohola; e hoolaha. Spread the news, e hoolaha i ka nuhou. SYN. circulate. 3. E laha.

He papa aina i hoomakaukau ia me na mea ai.

E uhola; e halii. Spread the bed, e halii i ka moe. E hohola; e hoolaha. Spread the news, e hoolaha i ka nuhou. E laha.

No nā lepiliRegarding tags: Pili piha a pili hapa paha kēia mau lepe i nā hua o luna aʻe nei.Tags may apply to all or only some of the tagged entries.

E huli iā “spread” ma Ulukau.

Search for “spread” on Ulukau.

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