Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Ihe, ihe paheʻe, ʻēlau (short); pololū (long); ihe laumeki (barbed); ihe ʻō (piercing); ʻau hau (of hibiscus wood); ʻauʻau (of loulu palm wood); kao, ʻō, ʻōkoholua (fishing); pōluhi, polokāwaʻe. See bath. Cluster of spears, makalau, mākini. Fish spear shot from bow, pana iʻa. Spear point, ʻēlau, maka ihe. Spear thrust, ʻai, pahuna. Throwing of spears at a chief as test of courage and skill, kā aliʻi, kāliʻi. Art of spear throwing, lono-maka-ihe. Sport of spear throwing, ʻōʻō ihe, paheʻe, kāhau. Spear fencing, kākā lāʻau. God of spear fighters, Lono-maka-ihe. To spear seals, ʻō hulu. To spear octopuses, ʻō heʻe.

he ihe, he pololu.

h. he ihe, he pololu.

(dart), ĭ'hě; (pike), pŏlŏlū'.

He ihe.

E huli iā “spear” ma Ulukau.

Search for “spear” on Ulukau.

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