Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. Save. Ola, hoʻōla, kāpae. See ex., kaʻaʻokoʻa. To spare life, ola, waiho ola. Spare my life, e ola au iā ʻoe.

2. Extra. Keu, koe, kaʻawale, kaiʻokia.

wiwi, lahilahi.

e waiho, e hookuu.

ha. wiwi, lahilahi, kakaikahi.

hai. e hookuu, e hoopai ole.

(frugal), pāki'kŏ; (thin), wīwī; (as tire), kŏě; (as time), kă'ăwa'lě: to spare, (forbear), 'aŭ'ă; (be merciful), āhŏnu'ĭ.

1. Wiwi; olala. SYN. thin; lean. 2. Koe. A spare book, he buke i koe. 3. Kaawale. No spare time, aole manawa kaawale. 4. Aua. SYN. chary.

1. E aua. SYN. forbear. 2. E hookuu. Spare me to go, he hookuu ia'u e hele. 3. E kokua. Spare a book, e kokua mai i buke. 4. E ahonui. SYN. be merciful.

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