Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Mele, hīmeni, memele, hea; kani (as birds). To sing genealogical chants, koʻihonua. To pretend to sing by working the mouth, hōʻomaʻoma. To sing with a breaking voice, haʻihaʻi. To sing, of the kāhuli land shell, kolekolea. To sing cheerfully, as birds, kani leʻa; ʻolēhala (rare).

To ~ in harmony. Hīmeni kūlauna like.

e mele, e hoolea me ka leo mele.

hai. e mele, e hoolea me ka leo mele.

hīme'nĭ, me'lě.

Emele; memele; e pa-ko-li. Birds sing, memele na manu. Sing by note, e pa-ko-li.

E huli iā “sing” ma Ulukau.

Search for “sing” on Ulukau.

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