Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


Pani, ʻāpani; panikū (abruptly); ʻōlepe (as Venetian blinds); mū (the lips). Shutting off, as from view, papani. Half-shut, as eyes, pīoioi. To shut the eyes, pani i nā maka. To shut up, confine, hana paʻa. Shut up! Kulikuli!

e pani a paa.

hai. e pani a paa.


E pani.

E huli iā “shut” ma Ulukau.

Search for “shut” on Ulukau.

Hāpai i wehewehena hou a i ʻole i ʻōlelo hoʻoponoponoSuggest a translation or correction

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