Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Common forms are derivatives of lali, hinu, lohi, lino, napa, hūlali; liko (as with dew).

  • Examples:
    • The sun shines, pā ka lā.
    • The Lord make his face to shine upon you (Nah. 6:25), na Iēhowa e kau mai i ka mālamalama o kona maka maluna iho ou.

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e hoomalamalama.

mālă'mălă'mă, alo'hĭ.

E malamalama.

E huli iā “shine” ma Ulukau.

Search for “shine” on Ulukau.

Hāpai i wehewehena hou a i ʻole i ʻōlelo hoʻoponoponoSuggest a translation or correction

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