Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Wahi lulu, wahi hoʻomalu, hale, hale, kāmala, hale pupupu, loʻu pali, auolo, pāpaʻi, malumalu, auhā. In the shelter of his wings, ma ka malu o kona ʻēheu. This house is not very good, still it is a shelter, ʻaʻole maikaʻi loa ʻo kēia hale, akā he malumalu.

Wahi hoʻomalu. Lean-to ~. Hale kāpiʻo.

he mea hoomalu, he mea uhi maluna.

e hoomalu, e pale aku i ka ino.


/ shel-ter / Eng to Haw, Emerson (1845),

h. he mea uhi maluna, he mea hoomalu.

wă'hĭ ma'lŭ, wă'hĭ lŭ'lŭ: to shelter, hŏ'ŏma'lŭma'lŭ.


/ Shĕl'ter / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

Wahi malu; wahi lulu.


/ Shĕl'ter / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

E hoomalu.

E huli iā “shelter” ma Ulukau.

Search for “shelter” on Ulukau.

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