Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Lau, papa, pale. Sheet of paper, ʻāpana pepa. Bed sheet, uhi pela, hāliʻi moe, pale moe.

As of stamps. Laulahi. ~ of stamps. Laulahi poʻoleka. See bedsheet, call sheet.


kikinonoun / Sheet / Eng to Haw, Andrews (1865),

he kihei moe.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

h. he kihei moe.

(bed), u'hĭ pe'lă; (of paper), kālă'nă, 'āpănă pĕ'pă.

I. He kihei moe; kapa moe. 2. Apana pepa; kalana. 3. Kaula pea moku.

E huli iā “sheet” ma Ulukau.

Search for “sheet” on Ulukau.

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