Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. Building. Hale hoʻāhu. Also: hale pupupu, auolo, hale malu, hale malumalu, hale kāmala, lānai.

2. Throw off. Heleleʻi, helelei (as a dogʻs hair); lū, nū; hāliko, hoʻomalule (as a crab sheds its shell); auhā (rare). Shed blood, hoʻokahe koko.

he hale malumalu maluna a hamama malalo.

h. he hale malumalu maluna a hamama malalo.

kāmă'lă; to shed, pa'lĕ.

1. Hale malumalu; hale kamala. 2. He lanai.

1. E hookahe. Shed rain, e hookahe aku i ka u'-a 2. E pale.

E huli iā “shed” ma Ulukau.

Search for “shed” on Ulukau.

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