Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Kanaka hana (male); wahine hana (female); kanaka lawelawe, kanaka, ʻōhua. See outcast, retainer. Anciently, attendants to a chief were privileged blood relatives who might not be dismissed; kauā (Biblical, servant) were despised outcasts not permitted access to chiefs; the Euro-American idea of the inferior status of servants was unknown. Your humble servant, kāu kauā haʻahaʻa. Your obedient servant, kāu kauā hoʻolohe. Servant of God, kauā a ke Akua.

he kauwa lawelawe.

h. he kauwa lawelawe.

meă lă'wĕlă'wĕ, kăŭwā'.


/ Sẽrv'ant / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

He kauwa ; mea lawelawe.

E huli iā “servant” ma Ulukau.

Search for “servant” on Ulukau.

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