Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. Stone. Pōhaku, ʻā, ʻalā, hālelo. Kinds: ʻaʻā, ʻaʻā puʻupuʻu, ʻā pele, pāhoehoe, kaialiʻi, humuʻula, makiki, kei, lelekepue, paʻalā, pikapika, pīwai, uliuli. See basalt, stone.

2. Motion. Kulana, hoʻoluli, naue, hoʻonaue, kāhulihuli, paipai, pueo, pūeoeo.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

No base definition, only supplemental content.

  • Black, porous, light rock used to scrape the interior of gourds. Kūnānahu. See calcarious rock, igneous rock.
  • Parent rock, i.e. rocks in upper surface of the earth which break down to form rocks, sand, dirt, etc. Pōhaku makua.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

La Pérouse rock. Kuamanō.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

he pohaku nui.

e hooluliluli.


WahiLocation, Hawaiʻi Place Names (2002),

Point, Pōhakuloa, Molokaʻi. Rocky headland between Honouli Wai and Honouli Maloʻo Bays. At the tip of the point, a large rock formation stands alone on the seaward side of Kamehameha V Highway. This is the "rock" of Rock Point.

h. he pohaku nui.

hai. e hoohililuli.

h. e hoohililuli.

pōha'kŭ nunu'ĭ; sunken rock, pūko'ă: to rock, (as a chair), paĭpaĭ; (as a ship), kŭlă'nă, kū'ŏ'ĭ.

Pohaku nunui. 2. Sunken rocks, puko'a.

1. E paipai. Rock the cradle, e paipai i ka moe keiki. 2. Kuoe. SYN. rock, as a ship in the calm.

E huli iā “rock” ma Ulukau.

Search for “rock” on Ulukau.

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