Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. vs., All together, in unison, united, cooperative.

  • Examples:
    • Hīmeni puwalu, choral singing.
    • Heluhelu puwalu, reading in unison.
  • References:
    • Cf. -walu, many, as in makawalu, olowalu.

2. Variant spelling of pualu, a surgeonfish.

3. n., Flag, as on a pole or canoe sail.

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v. See PUALU, to act in concert. To work together, as in lifting; to make a united effort.

2. To cry out all together.

3. To rehearse or speak or recite in concert, as a class in school. NOTE.—This was the general practice in the first schools of the Islands, and helped much to keep up the enthusiasm of the thing.

s. The ancient flag of the Hawaiians placed on the triangular sails of canoes.

s. Name of a body of men who worked together; a gang; a company of fellow-workmen. See LAULIMA.

Puwalu (pū'-wā'-lu), n.

/ pū'-wā'-lu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. The ancient flag of the Hawaiians, placed on the triangular sails of canoes. Syn: Lepa.

2. A signal and the pole or stick that holds the signal.

Puwalu (pū'-wā'-lu), v.

/ pū'-wā'-lu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Same as pualu, to act in concert.

1. To work together, as in lifting; to make a united effort.

2. To cry out all together.

3. To rehearse, speak, or recite in concert, as a class in school. (This was the general practice in the first schools of the islands, and helped much to keep up the enthusiasm. Pualu is the preferable form.)

4. An acting in concert. Syn: Puala.


Ancient flag of the Hawaiians placed on the triangular sail of a canoe. (A.)

Two surgeonfishes: 1. Yellowfin (Acanthurus xan-thopterus). Grows to slightly more than 2 feet. 2. Ringtail (A. mata). It is difficult to distinguish between the two species.

Ancient flag of the Hawaiians, placed on the triangular canoe sail.

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