Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. vs., Surrounded, controlled; overcome, as in battle or by emotion; to pervade, gain control of; to enclose (loaʻa-type construction; Gram. 4.4).

  • Examples:
    • Puni i ka makaʻu, overcome with fear.
    • Ulu puni i ka huhū, to grow extremely angry.
    • Ka wā e puni ai ʻo Hawaiʻi iā ʻUmi (FS 125), the time that ʻUmi would control all Hawaiʻi.
  • References:

2. nvt., To be fond of, desire, covet, like, be partial to; devoted; a favorite thing, delight, love.

3. vs., Deceived, deluded; to believe a lie.

  • Examples:
    • Mai noho ʻoe ā puni …, don't you believe …
  • References:

4. nvs., Completed, terminated, as a period of pregnancy; completely, all.

  • Examples:
    • Ua hāpai, kokoke nō i puni (1 Sam. 4.19), to be with child, nearing completion.
    • Ua pōholehole ka ʻili a puni (FS 109), the skin was completely covered with bruises.
    • Ka puni ʻana o ka haneli makahiki, centennial.

5. n., A fine-meshed net.

6. n.v., An even number; to be such.

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Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

kikino, Lap, complete circuit, revolution.

  • Examples:
    • Ua ʻau ʻo ia ʻekolu puni o ka pūnāwai ʻauʻau. He swam three laps in the pool.
    • Ua puni ʻekolu manawa iā ia. He did three laps. Trad.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

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Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Fishnet with small meshes. See nae.

To covet, desire; to be devoted, to be fond of.

he palapala hoomalu hale, hoo malu mokn.

a surrounding of fish; termination of a period: to desire; be fond of, deceive: to be around.

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