Punahou (pu'-nă-ho'u):
new spring. Land section, Oahu.
new spring. Land section, Oahu.
Private school, street, and section 27 of Honolulu (map 6), formerly called Ka-puna-hou. The school was established by Hiram Bingham in 1841, on property given at the request of Ka-ʻahu-manu, for chiefs'children and missionary children. There were 34 students in the first class; in 1971 there were 3,500, from kindergarten through the twelfth grade. Lit., new spring. (The god Kāne thrust his staff into the ground here to get water. According to another story, an old couple lived by a pandanus tree and each dreamed of a spring; when the man offered red fish and pulled up the pandanus tree, water oozed out. The seal of Puna-hou School depicts a pandanus tree, pool, and taro leaves.)
Private school at Punahou and Wilder Streets. Established by Hiram Bingham in 1841. Present enrollment about 3,700.
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