Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. n., Spring (of water).

  • References:

2. n., Coral, lime, plaster, mortar, whitewash, calcium; coral container, as for dye, coral rubber.

  • Examples:
    • E lawe ʻoia i ka puna hou e hamo i ka hale (Oihk. 14.42), and he shall take new plaster and plaster the house.
  • References:
    • PPN punga.

3. n., Section between joints or nodes, as of bamboo or sugar cane.

4. n., Cuttlebone, as of octopus.

5. Short for kupuna as a term of address.

6. Short for punalua.

7. vi., To paddle with the hands, as to start a surfboard on its way to catch a wave.

  • Rare

8. n., Spoon (preceded by ke).

  • Eng.
  • Examples:
    • Ke iho ihola ke puna, the spoon is let down [the lower lip, of a pouter].

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Puna. See carefully, kava, pandanus, perfume, sea, UL 104.

kikino Cast, as for a broken arm. Dic., ext. mng. Also kimeki iwi. See palaina puna.

v. Hoo. To collect or unite with one’s self, as two or more wives, friends, favorites, &c. Haa. or hoo. O kakou no ka lakou poe i haapuna ai i ka la o ka makalii, ame ka ua o ka hooilo.

s. The stone coral; lime unburnt; mortar. Oihk. 14:42. He pohaku keokeo no ka moana.

2. Name of a district on Hawaii.

3. A well; a spring; a cavern; a pit; punawai, a spring.

4. A joint of sugar-cane or bamboo; also written pona.

5. Eng. A spoon.

6. The name of a foreign surf-board; he kioe kahiki.

adj. Of or belonging to a spring. See WAIPUNA and MAPUNA.

Puna (pū'-na) adj.

/ pū'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker,

Of or belonging to a spring.

Puna (pū'-na), n.

/ pū'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker,

1. The stone coral (Pontes): unburn! lime; mortar.

2. Name of a district on the island of Hawaii.

3. A place where water percolates through rock or clay; a spring.

4. That part of the stem of a plant between the joints; said of the spaces between the joints of sugar-cane. bamboo and all reed plants. Syn: Pona.

5. The motion of the hand in starting a surf-board on. us run from the crest of a wave. Syn: Kioe.

6. [ Mod.] A spoon.

Puna (pū'-na), v.

/ pū'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker,

Contraction of punalua.

Puna (pu'-nă):

/ pu'-nă / Haw to Eng, Parker,

coral, lime. District, Hawaii.

  • Quadrangle and district, southeast Hawaiʻi; land section and sugar mill, Kalapana qd.; forest reserves, Kalapana and Puna qds.; road, Hilo qd., Hawaiʻi.
  • The Kawaihau district, Kauaʻi, was sometimes called Puna.
  • Street, Kamehameha Heights, Honolulu, Oʻahu.

Poetic (Hawaiʻi): paia ʻala i ka hala, bowers fragrant with pandanus; ka āina i ka houpo o Kāne (PH 218), the land in the heart of Kāne.

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