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/ pulu.pulu / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

1. Reduplication of pulu #1, pulu #2; tinder, to form kindling or ignitable material, as while rubbing sticks for fire.

  • Examples:
    • Pipī ka wahie, hoʻonui i ka pulupulu, if wood burns slowly, add more tinder.
  • References:
    • FS 229.
    • PCP pulupulu.

2. n., Cotton, as for quilt padding; fine linen (2 Oihn. 2.14).

3. Same as pulupulu haole.

4. n., Coition.

  • Rare

5. To keep warm, as a bird on its nest.

  • References:
    • And.

Nā LepiliTags: flora rare

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kikino Cotton. Dic. Lāʻau pulupulu. Cotton swab, Q-tip. Pulupulu uea. Steel wool, wire gauze.

v. To warm; to cherish; to brood over, as a hen her chickens; e hoopunana me he makuahine moa la i kana mau keiki.

s. Cotton; he mala pulupulu, a cotton field. See HULUHULU.

2. Tinder. Isa. 43:17.

3. Fine linen. 2 Oihl. 2:14.

adj. Wet, &c. See PULU, adj.

Pulupulu (pē'-lŭ-pū'-lu'), adj.

/ pē'-lŭ-pū'-lu' / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Wet. soft.

Pulupulu (pū'-lŭ-pū'-lu n.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Cotton: he mala pulupulu, a field of cotton. See huluhulu.

2. Tinder.

3. Fine linen.

Pulupulu (pū'-lŭ-pū'-lu), v.

/ pū'-lŭ-pū'-lu / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To be warmed.

2. To be brooded over; to be cherished, as the offspring of a bird are covered by the mother-bird.

Material that grows on and is collected from species of large ferns (Cibotium spp.) from the base of the stalks. The pulu resembles that of the ʻamaʻu and has been similarly used to stuff pillows and mattresses. Hawaiians also stuffed the bodies of their dead after removing the vital organs. Young fronds were used to make hats. Tree trunks were made into fences. (NEAL 10.) See Plants: Uses, hāpuʻu.

I. he mea ulu ma Inia, a ma Aigupita kekahi, 2 Oihlii. 2:14; 3:14. E nana OLONA.

cotton; kindling.

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