Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Huki; — up, uhuki, ʻunuʻunu; — obliquely, kiwi; — away from, nanahuki; — back steadily, as a line, ʻāwala; — taut, as a fishline, kōmi; — along, kaualakō, alakō; — hard or frequently, huhuki, uhuki, hukihuki; — together, huki like, ʻunu; — away, as in anger, oi; — out, as hairs or beard, muʻo koli, melu, ʻōhuʻi; — down, as eyelid, hoʻohelei, helei ( a sign of contempt). Also: kō, kōkō, lolia, hulei, pane, uhu, ʻuʻu, ʻumi, ue, koi, alaʻume; kolo (as a seine); ʻāʻili, kaʻi (as weeds). To pull opening of the net, hukia ka waha o ka ʻupena. To pull on a paddle, kā i ka hoe. Pull a tooth, huki i ka niho.

e huki, e kauo.

hai. e huki, e kauo.

h. e huki, e kauo.

(backing), kōkŭ'ă: to pull, hŭ'kĭ; pull up, ūhu'kĭ; (row), hoě.

1. E huki; e uhuki. 2. E hoe. SYN. row. 3. Pull fruit from a tree, e lou'lu.

E huli iā “pull” ma Ulukau.

Search for “pull” on Ulukau.

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