Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

n., Book, volume (in a series).

  • Source:
    • English.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log


/ pū.kē / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

nvt., To strike, hit, beat.

  • Examples:
    • I ka pūkē iki, i ka pūkē nui (PH 195), by the small onslaught, by the great onslaught.
    • Pau akula kēlā lāʻau i ka pūkē ʻia, that tree is all beaten down.
  • References:
    • Dan. 5.6.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

v. Pu and ke, to force. To hit; to strike, as one calabash against another; to strike together, as the knees of one in trepidation. Dan. 5:6

e luai, e hoowa.

Puke (pū'-kē'), v.

Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Pu and ke, to force.] To hit; to strike, as one calabash against another; to strike together, as the knees of one in trepidation.

To strike with a mallet.

hai. e luai, e hoowa.

h. e luai, e hoowa.


E luai; hoolualuai. SYN. vomit.

Book or Liber, e.g. “Buke ‚ aoao ” or “Liber ‚ page .”

Book or Liber, e.g. “Buke ‚ aoao ” or “Liber ‚ page .”

E huli iā “puke” ma Ulukau.

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