Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. n., Hole (perforation; cf. lua, pit); door, entrance, gate, slit, vent, opening, issue.

2. vi., To pass through, appear, emerge, come out, get out of, issue, come into sight; to rise, as the sun.

  • Examples:
    • Kua puka, a sore on the back, as a saddle sore on a horse's back.
    • Puka mau, to appear frequently, as a newspaper.
    • Puka lā, daily issue.
    • Puka mahina, monthly issue.
    • Puka makahiki, annual issue.
    • Puka wā, to appear irregularly, as a paper.
    • Puka ka niho, to teethe.
    • Puka kinikini, puka kinikini, ʻaʻohe ona puka e puka aku a (riddle), many many holes, many many holes, no hole to go out through [answer: a fish net].
    • Puka mai ka lā, the sun rises.
    • Puka ka niho o ke keiki, the child gets his teeth.
  • References:
    • PCP puta.

3. vi., To graduate.

4. vi., To say, utter, speak.

  • Examples:
    • Puka maila kāna ʻolelo, he spoke (literally, his word came out).

5. nvi., To gain, win, profit; to draw interest; winnings, gain, profit.

  • Examples:
    • Puka o ke kālā, interest.
    • Puka nui, large profit or gain.
    • Puka a me ka pohō, profit and loss.
  • References:

6. n., Trap, snare.

7. idiom, Almost.

  • Examples:
    • Nā anana ʻeono ā puka hiku, six and a fraction fathoms.
    • Kaʻu kaupaono, ua puka haneli, my weight is almost one hundred.

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Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. v., To enter or pass through a hole, crevice, a gate or door-way.

2. To enter in or to pass out, according as it is followed by mai or aku. With aku it signifies to go out; to go from one place to another; to go forth. 1 Nah. 19:11.

3. To rise, as a subject, to obtain the government; to usurp the authority of a ruler.

4. To cheat; to defraud one of what is due.

5. Hoopuka. To appear in sight when at a distance, as the sun rising or a ship appearing at a distance.

6. To bring along, as the wind brings clouds.

7. To utter; to publish; to proclaim a thing. Kekah. 5:2.

8. To pass from one state or condition to that of another, as from ignorance to knowledge; o kakou hoi ka poe i hoopukaia noloko mai o ka pouli.

9. To end; to finish; e hoopau aku.

10. To separate from; to go away; e hookaawale aku.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. s., A door-way; a gate-way; an entrance; a hole; puka o ke kui, puka o ke kuikele, the eye of a needle; puka lou, a loop hole. Puk. 25:5. Any place of entrance or egress; puka pepeiao, the ear; i hoakakaia’ku ma ka puka o ko oukou mau pepeiao. NOTE.—Puka as a noun takes various forms, as puka, aipuka, ipuka, upuka and kanipuka, all which see.

2. The art of making spears, ropes, &c., that appear well but really are good for nothing and vice versa.

3. A curious art; a trick; the practice of legerdemain; hoopiopio.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. n., A doorway; a gateway; an entrance; a hole; any place of entrance or egress; puka o ke kui, puka o ke kuikele, the eye of a needle; puka lou, a loop hole; puka pepeiao, the ear; i hoakakaia 'ku ma ka puka o ko oukou mau pepeiao. (Puka as a noun takes various forms: aipuka, ipuka, upuka and amipuka.)

2. n., The art of making spears, ropes, etc., that appear well but really are good for nothing and vice versa

3. n., A trap or snare used in the practice of legerdemain.

4. n., A winning or profit. Syn: Hoopiopio.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. v., To pass through any open way, crevice, or doorway.

2. v., To issue; to appear.

3. v., To be uttered; to be proclaimed.

4. v., To pass from one state or condition to another.

5. v., To gain; to win; to arrive at.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log


a hole; doorway, entrance; profits: to pass through, issue, appear; to gain; to win a race.

Hole; slit, vent, opening door, gate (PE).

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