Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. n. Any kind of a protuberance from a pimple (puʻu #2) to a hill: hill, peak, cone, hump, mound, bulge, heap, pile, portion, bulk, mass, quantity, clot, bunch, knob; heaped, piled, lumped, bulging; pregnant; to pucker. Figuratively, obstacle, burden, problem, discomfort, trouble, sorrow.

  • Examples:
    • Puʻu kaimana, diamond setting.
    • Lae puʻu, prominent or bulging forehead.
    • Puʻu kānaka, group of People, mass of people.
    • Puʻu ka leo, paralyzed tongue with resulting speech defects.
    • Puʻu ka nuku, protruding the lips, as in anger; to eat until satiated, or to be unable to eat all one has.
    • Puʻu kapu, a forbidden or taboo place.
    • Eia ka puʻu nui mawaho nei, he ua, he ʻino, he anu (chant), here is the burden of discomfort outside, rain, storm, cold.
  • References:

2. n. Any of various round parts or protuberances of the body, as pimple, wart, mole, callus, lump, Adam's apple, throat (see ex., burn), larynx, tonsils, heart, stomach, fist, knuckle, ankle joint; gizzard, as of chicken; hard stomach, as of some fish.

  • Examples:
    • Mau nā puʻu, stuck together, of dogs occasionally in coition.
    • Puʻu ʻeha, sore throat.
    • ʻĀʻī puʻu, calloused neck.
    • Puʻu ʻōkohekohe, swollen tonsils.
    • ʻAʻohe puʻu, ʻaʻohe keʻe, no pimples, no crooks [commonly said in tales of flawless persons].
    • He maʻū i ka puʻu ke moni (song), refreshing to the throat to swallow.
    • Ka puʻu o Abesaloma (2 Sam. 18.14), the heart of Absalom.
  • References:

3. n. A desire, need, as for evacuation (used with hī, kiʻo, mimi, pūhiʻu).

  • Examples:
    • Hae ka puʻu i ka ʻai, fierce is the craving for food.

4. n. Any earth bug, beetle, especially as found in dry earth; rose beetle, Olinda beetle, stinkbug, ground beetle.

5. n. Hand of cards, stack of cards, deck or pack of cards.

6. n. Stack, shock, as of grain.

  • Examples:
    • Nā puʻu hua palaoa (Puk. 22.6), stacks of grain.
  • References:
    • Lunk. 15.5.

7. nvi. Head, as of cabbage or lettuce; to form a head, sprout.

  • References:
    • Kupu ā puʻu (KL. line 487), to grow and sprout.

8. n. Dress material such as dotted swiss that has raised dots.

9. n. Fancy knot or mesh, as in kōkō, net.

10. vt. To cast or draw lots, as with a knotted string, or by heaping up pebbles under a tapa, and guessing the number in each heap, or calling one heap positive and the other negative, with the answer to the question provided by the heap with the greatest number of pebbles.

  • Examples:
    • Puʻunaue i ka ʻāina ma nā puʻu e ili ana (Nah. 34.18), divide the land by lot for inheritance.

11. n. Hinge of pearl oyster.

12. n. A method of catching plover: a sharpened bone was half buried and anchored on a string tied to a rock. The bone would become lodged in the throat (puʻu) of a plover attempting to eat it, which was then held by the string.

13. n. Sixth stage in the growth of taro.

  • Rare
  • References:
    • See kalo for names of generations.
    • Kep. 153.

14. n. A kind of fish.

  • Rare

15. n. ʻOʻopu young about 5 or 10 cm long.

  • Rare

16. n. A hard, white variety of sweet potato.

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kikino Throat.

  • Existing dictionary word

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

kikino Cone, a geological feature.

  • Existing dictionary word

Nā LepiliTags: geology

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WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

'Hill, mountain, cone, peak, elevation'. Some names are written either with or without puʻu (as Puʻu-kukui and Kukui). In a few names puʻu is shortened to pū- (as Pū-ʻalaea, Pū-koʻo, Pū-o-waina).


WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Ancient surfing area, Keolonāhihi, Kailua qd., Hawaiʻi.

  • Literally, peak.
  • References:
    • Finney and Houston 26.

Nā LepiliTags: Hawaiʻi

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log


WahiLocation, Hawaiʻi Place Names (2002),

Spring, Holualoa, Hawaiʻi. On the shore of Holualoa Bay, where it marks the end of a canoe-hauling road called Ke Ala o Waʻa. The road is associated with a canoe-making heiau about a mile inland called Ke Ala Ko Waʻa.

Nā LepiliTags: Hawaiʻi

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Hand of cards; a knotted string for drawing lots or guessing numbers.

A method of catching plover; a sharpened bone was half buried and anchored on a string tied to a rock. The bone would become lodged in the puʻu, throat of a plover attempting to eat it, which was then held by the string. (PE.)

To draw lots by using a knotted string; habit, custom; when a chief died, some of his people, for loveʻs sake, wished to die also.

Ankle joint, knuckles; Adamʻs apple of the throat, hence, the throat.

Prominence, pimple, wart, knuckles; joints of the ankles; Adamʻs apple.

1. Hill or mound. In re Application of Ashford, 50 Haw. 314, 337 (1968). 2. A mound or peak that stands high up in a given area (SAM). 3. Hills, any high place rising from the land (SMK) (DM). 4. Hill, peak, cone (PE). 5. Peak (T).

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