Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvt., Hill, as of sweet potatoes; dune; to hill up.

2. vt., To attack, force, ravish, rape, compel.

  • Examples:
    • Keiki puʻe, boy or youth who ravishes women.
  • References:
    • Puk. 22.16.
    • PPN puke.

3. n., A lobelia (Lobelia gaudichaudii 🌐 var. kauaensis) found only in mountains of Kauaʻi. The stem, 1 to 2 m high, bears a tuft of narrow leaves 15 cm long, and three or four racemes of large flowers, whitish streaked with purple.

Nā LepiliTags: flora flowers

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To attack, ravish, rape.

To solicit strongly; to seduce, as a virgin; to ravish, rape, compel. (Puk. 22:16.)

Lobelia (Lobelia gaudichaudii var. kauaensis), found only on mountains on Kauaʻi. It has large whitish flowers streaked with purple. (PE 321.)

Hill, as of sweet potatoes. The ancients planted potatoes in mounds. (NP 132.)

To thrust a spear; to attack; to besiege a village or town.

1. Hill as of sweet potatoes. 2. Dune (PE).

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