Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


Ninini. Also: hanini, nini, ninini, loku, hoʻoloku, ʻiliki (as rain); — forth, huaʻi, ukuhi; — down, as the sun, hawewe; kīʻahaʻaha (out of a cup); manini. To pour out water, kau wai. Evil words poured out, poured back and forth, manini aku ā manini mai nā ʻōleloʻino (see manini).

e ninini.

hai e ninai.

nīnĭ'nĭ, hŏŏkă'hě.

v. E ninini; e hookahe.

E huli iā “pour” ma Ulukau.

Search for “pour” on Ulukau.

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