1. vs., Neat, tidy, in order, arranged, cared for, attended to, administered.
- Related:
- hoʻoponopono Caus/sim.
- a. To put to rights; to put in order or shape, correct, revise, adjust, amend, regulate, arrange, rectify, tidy up, make orderly or neat, administer, superintend, supervise, manage, edit, work carefully and neatly; to make ready, as canoemen preparing to catch a wave (For. 5:127). Cf. luna hoʻoponopono, mea hoʻoponopono. Hoʻoponopono ʻole, slovenly untidy, disorderly, careless, thoughtless, uninhibited, blunt, reckless. Hoʻoponopono hou, to revise, reorganize, re-edit. Noho hoʻoponopono ʻole, sitting in a careless or indecent way. Kāna hoʻoponopono ʻana i ka ʻāina (Laie 495), his apportioning of the land [on becoming chief]. Ka hoʻoponopono waiwai ʻana (For. 5:129), the financial arrangements, adjustments. Hoʻoponopono waiwai, administrator or executor of an estate; to administer an estate. Hale hoʻoponopono, administration building. Ka hoʻoponopono ʻana, regulation. Kānāwai hoʻoponopono ʻia, revised law.
- b. Mental cleansing: family conferences in which relationships were set right (hoʻoponopono) through prayer, discussion, confession, repentance, and mutual restitution and forgiveness (Na_na_ 60).
2. Reduplication of pono #1.
3. vs., Comfortably well off, wealthy.
- Examples:
- Ponopono ka nohona, comfortably well-to-do.