Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


/ pō.mai.kaʻi / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

nvi., Good fortune, blessedness, blessing, profit, prosperity; prosperous, fortunate, beneficial, blessed, lucky; good luck, improvement (of property), welfare, benefits.

  • Examples:
    • Pōmaikaʻi ʻole, unfortunate, unlucky.
    • Pōmaikaʻi au, blessed am I.
    • He pōmaikaʻi ʻia mai ke Akua (Kel. 38), a blessing from God.
    • E pili mau nā pōmaikaʻi me ʻoe, may you always have good fortune [a way to say ‘best wishes’].
  • References:

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/ pō•mai•kaʻi / Haw to Eng, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

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/ PO-MAI-KAI / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

1. v., Po, intensive, and maikai, handsome; good. To be fortunate; to be lucky.

2. To be successful in a pursuit.

3. To be happy; to be blessed; to enjoy peace; to be highly favored.

4. Hoopomaikai. To bless; to make prosperous; to be prospered. Kin. 39:2. To cause to prosper.

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kikinonoun / PO-MAI-KAI / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

s., Good fortune; peace; quietness; enjoying what one desires; comfort; a blessing.

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ʻaʻanostative verb / PO-MAI-KAI / Haw to Eng, Andrews (1865),

adj., Fortunate; successful; prosperous; happy; blessed; ka laka, ke kuonoono.

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ʻaʻanostative verb / pō'-mā'i-ka'i / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

adj., Fortunate; successful: prosperous: happy: blessed: ka laka. ke kuonoono.

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kikinonoun / pō'-mā'i-ka'i / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

n., Good fortune: peace: quietness: enjoying what one desires; comfort: a blessing.

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/ pō'-mā'i-ka'i / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Po. intensive, and maikai. handsome; good.]

1. v., To be fortunate; to be lucky.

2. v., To be successful in a pursuit.

3. v., To be happy: to be blessed: to enjoy peace; to be highly favored.

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good fortune; blessing: prosperous.

1. Benefit. In re Estate of His Majesty Kamehameha IV, 2 Haw. 715, 722-723 (1864). 2. Use, utility; gain; profit (HRH). 3. Improvement (of property) (PE). 4. Privilege.

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