Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


Rare. var. of pale. (AP)

Pou, lāʻau, peloka, pahu. See fish, fishing pole, flagpole. Carrying pole, ʻauamo. Fruit-plucking pole, lou. Bird-catching pole, alakō, ʻaukuʻu, pokia. Surveying pole, poloka kuea. Telephone pole, pou kelepona. Pole indicative of taboo, kaununu. Pole for roof frame, holo. Pole for canoe protection, kau. To pole, koʻo.

Wēlau. North ~. Wēlau ʻākau. South ~. Wēlau hema. Elevation ~, as for surveying. Lāʻau ana kiʻekiʻena. See sighter. Range ~, surveying rod. Lāʻau ana ʻāina.

v. To defend off; to separate; to divide between.

Pole (pō'-le), v.

/ pō'-le / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To fend off; to separate; to divide between.

h ka iho o ka honua, he laau loloa aea he oa la.

lā'ăŭ lō'i'hĭ; (flag), pa'hŭ haĕ, kĭ'ă haĕ; (telephone), poŭ; (fish), mŏkŏĭ; (axial extremity), wēlăŭ.

1. He oa; aho. 2. He pahu. Flag pole, pahu hae. 3. He ana. 4. He Welau. North Pole, Welau Akau.

E huli iā “pole” ma Ulukau.

Search for “pole” on Ulukau.

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