Kiko (dot); lae (of land); wēlau, ʻēlau, welelau (tip); maka, ʻoiʻoina. See fishhook. Sharp point, puʻu ʻoiʻoi. Highest point, kaupoku, wēkiu. Steel point, maka kila. Starting point, kupuna. Turning point, kahana. Point at canoe bow, maka ihu. Point of ʻōʻō digging stick, maka ole (fig.). Point of bonito lure or composite hook, lālā. To score a point, ʻai. To point, kuhi, kuhikuhi, hoʻokuhi; kuhikau (rare). To ask pointblank, noi kū. To the point of, ā, hele ā. To shape into a point, ʻōmuʻo. To point, as a pointer dog, hoʻopololei ka huelo.