Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Kiko (dot); lae (of land); wēlau, ʻēlau, welelau (tip); maka, ʻoiʻoina. See fishhook. Sharp point, puʻu ʻoiʻoi. Highest point, kaupoku, wēkiu. Steel point, maka kila. Starting point, kupuna. Turning point, kahana. Point at canoe bow, maka ihu. Point of ʻōʻō digging stick, maka ole (fig.). Point of bonito lure or composite hook, lālā. To score a point, ʻai. To point, kuhi, kuhikuhi, hoʻokuhi; kuhikau (rare). To ask pointblank, noi kū. To the point of, ā, hele ā. To shape into a point, ʻōmuʻo. To point, as a pointer dog, hoʻopololei ka huelo.


kikinonoun Eng to Haw, Māmaka Kaiao (2003+),

As in a game or sporting event. ʻAi.

Nā LepiliTags: sports

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

In math; also a unit of measurement for type size. Kiko. See decimal, referent. To graph the ~. Kākuhi i ke kiko. Reference ~. Kiko kuhia.

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Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

kahi oi, he welau, he kiko.

e kuhikuhi.

Point, The

WahiLocation, Hawaiʻi Place Names (2002),

1. Surf site, Pāʻia, Maui. One of the surfing and wind-surf sites off Hoʻokipa Beach Park. The Point is off Hāmākua Poko Point, or H-Poko Point, at the west end of the park. 2. Surf site, swimming site, Hawaiʻi Kai, Oʻahu. Waves at Kawaihoa, or Portlock Point, break along a low sea cliff as they wrap around the point. The surf site is also known as Walls. During calm, no-surf days, swimmers jump off the multiterraced sea cliff and swim below it. 3. Surf site, Kawailoa, Oʻahu. Off the public right-of-way on Papaʻiloa Road. The wide reef here forms a point on the beach. Also known as Kahaʻakolu. 4. Surf site, Kawailoa, Oʻahu. Near Waimea Bay and off Mokumana, the small rock island that is the "point." Also known as The Spot. 5. Surf site, Makapuʻu, Oʻahu. Off the rocky point at the north end of Makapuʻu Beach. 6. Common abbreviation for many points throughout the islands.

h kahi oi, he kiko, ka welaa.

hai e kuhikahi, e mahele ma na kiko.

(tip), wēlăŭ, pi'kŏ; (subject), kŭmŭmană'ŏ; (cape), laĕ; (dot), kĭ'kŏ: to point, kŭ'hĭku'hĭ.

1. He piko; welau. 2. Kumu-manao. SYN. subject matter. 3. He lae.

E kuhikuhi.

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