Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


vi. To sink, slip into easily, plunge out of sight, vanish; to miscarry.

v. To slip, sink or glide down into the water, as a piece of lead or other heavy substance.

2. To slip off, as an axe from its helve. 2 Nal. 6:5.

3. To cast, as a female her young; to miscarry by premature birth.

Poholo (pŏ-hō'-lo), v.

/ pŏ-hō'-lo / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. To slip. sink or glide down into the water, as a piece of lead or other heavy substance.

2. To slip off, as an axe from its helve.

3. To cast, as a female her young; to miscarry p by premature birth.

To miscarry by premature birth.

To cast, as a female, her young; to miscarry by premature birth.

to sink; to drop or slip through.

To sink, plunge out of sight (PE).

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