Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


Kahua, haka, paepae. To build a platform, hoʻopaepae. Altar platform, haka lele. Platform between canoes of a double canoes, pola. Platform for drying fish, hakakū. Speaker's platform, ʻāwai. Political platform, kahua, papahana. National platform (political), kahua hana lāhui.

A declaration of principles and policies adopted by a political party or candidate. Kahua kālaiʻāina.

As DOS, UNIX, Macintosh, etc., for a computer program. Pae. See operating system.

(paved), paĕpaĕ; (rostrum), 'āwăĭ; (political), păpăhă'nă.


/ Plăt'fôrm / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

1. He awai. 2. Palapala hoike manao hooholo.

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