Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. Throw. Nou, hoʻolei, kiloi, kā. To pitch in and help, lawelawe lima.

2. Motion of a vessel. Luli, luliluli kulana. Also: aukū, kaiue, hulei, ʻokūʻokū, kīhā, ʻaui.

3. Resin. Hū lāʻau, kēpau, kēpau hamo.

4. Music. Kī, kiʻina o ka leo, kani. High pitch, kiʻina leo kiʻekiʻe. Low pitch, leo haʻahaʻa.

Kēpau kā. See entries below and asphalt compound.

To make a ~, as a sales ~, or to "sell" an idea. Paialou.

In linguistics and music. Kiʻeleo.

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Nā LepiliTags: linguistics music

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

he kepau, he ta (tar.)

h he kepaa, he ta.

hai. e hamo i ke kepau, e hoolei aku.

kā, kepăŭ hă'mŏ; (slope), lă'pă: to pitch, (throw), nŏŭ; (as a tune), pua'nă; (as a tent), kūku'lŭ.

1. Kepau hamo. 2. Ka loli ana o ka leo. A high pitch of voice, he leo kiekie.

1. E hoolei; e kiola. SYN. toss. 2. E kukulu. 3. E hoopi'nana. SYN. pitch, as a vessel in a storm. 4. Pitch a tune, e hoomaka i ka leo mele.

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E huli iā “pitch” ma Ulukau.

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