Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvs. Captive, prisoner, victim, prey; conquered, captured, made prisoner; game of tag; to play tag. hoʻo.pio To conquer, subdue, defeat, make prisoner, capture, overcome.

2. vs. Extinguished or out, as a fire or light (used in pidgin English); disappeared, as a ship at sea; to have gone out of sight; to die down, as a wave. Pio loa, to vanish. hoʻo.pio, To put out, extinguish, as a light or fire. Hoʻopio manaʻolana (Kel. 14), sinking hopes. (PCP pio.)

3. nvi. To peep, chirp; to whistle with fingers on the mouth; to pipe on any flutelike instrument; peeping, peep. Kani ka pio hone i ke kula (song), a sweet whistle sounds on the plains.

4. n. A measure of three iwilei (yards), especially of cloth.

v., To bend; to bend around, as the arch of a rainbow; to curve, as an arch; to bend, as an elastic substance. Hoo. The same.

2. To be extinguished; to go out. Oihk. 6:13. To be put out, as fire or a lamp. Ier. 4:4.

3. To be vanquished or overcome, as an enemy. Hoo. To vanquish; to conquer; to reduce to servitude. Kin. 34:29.

4. To administer food or medicine to a person far gone in a disease. See PIOO.

5. To alight for want of wind, as a kite; pio ka lupe no ka makani ole; to cease spinning, as a top; ua pio ka hu.

6. To cohabit, as a brother with a sister.

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s., A prisoner; a captive. Nah. 14:3. Pio ana, bondage; captivity. Kanl. 30:3. A state of captivity. Ier. 26:6. One enslaved; anything taken by force, as a prisoner; a prey.

2. That which may be quenched or put out.

3. An are of a circle. Ana Hon. 23.

4. In the marrying or cohabitation of two high chiefs related to each other, as brother and sister or father and daughter, the off-spring, if any, was called he alii pio; hence,

5. The highest grade of chiefs. See NIAUPIO.

6. The measure of a fathom and a half, i. e., three yards.

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adj., Extinguished; put out; quenched, as fire or a lamp.

2. Bent; crooked; curved; arched.

3. Superior; highest; chief.

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adv. Relating to captivity; captively. Epes. 4:8.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

adj., Extinguished; put out; quenched, as fire or a lamp; defeated.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

adj., Bent; crooked; curved; arched.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

adv., Relating to captivity; as a captive.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. n., A prisoner; a captive; one enslaved; anything taken by force; a prey: pio ana, bondage; captivity.

2. n., A measure of three feet.

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1. n., An arc of a circle.

2. n., An incestuous offspring.

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1. v., To be put out; to to destroyed.

2. v., To be conquered, subdued, overthrown.

3. v., To fall away or sink out of sight, said of a fallen kite or a canoe lost at sea.

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1. v., To be bent; to be curved; to bend around as the arch of a rainbow; to curve as an arch; to bend as an elastic substance.

2. v., To commit incest.

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A measure of cloth, ususally set at 3 feet. (PE.) This would be half a fathom.

their peep.

See nīʻaupiʻo.

(ke) pio captive, prey; to destroy; be conquered; to be extinguished.

E huli iā “pio” ma Ulukau.

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