Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

n. Relation, relationship, kin, family. (Probably pili, to cling, + -kana, nominalizer; Gram. 6.6.2.) (PCP pilitanga.)

v. To be related to one; to have an interest in one.

s. An interest in one; a relation to one; a friend; a motive; heaha kou kuleana e wena aku ai ia ia? he hoahanau.

Pilikana (pī'-lĭ-kă'-na), n.

/ pī'-lĭ-kă'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. An interest in one; a relationship to one.

2. A friend; a relative.

3. A motive; heaha kou kuleana e wena aku ai ia ia? he hoahanau.

Pilikana (pī'-lĭ-kă'-na), v.

/ pī'-lĭ-kă'-na / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To be related to one; to have an interest in one.

kin, relative, friend.

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