Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

Ahu, puʻu, kūāhua. Also: āhua, kuapapa, anuʻa, kūpaʻi, ʻiliʻili, paila; huʻa (as of mats, tapa); mahena. To pile up, hoʻāhu, kuapapa, hōʻiliʻili, kūkulu papa, hoʻonoho papa, miho, hoʻopuʻu. Pile of paper, puʻu pepa. Garbage pile, puʻu ʻōpala. Pile of rocks placed in sea, umu. To pile such rocks, hoʻoumu.

he puu i hoopuuia.

(beam), poŭ lōi'hĭ; (heap), paĭlă, (ke) ahu'ă; (nap of cloth), ohŭ'lŭhŭ'lŭ: to pile, hō'a'hŭ.

1. He ahua. 2. He pou loihi.

E hooahu; e hooiliili; e paila.

E huli iā “pile” ma Ulukau.

Search for “pile” on Ulukau.

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