kikino Scab. Niʻihau. See pāpaʻa piele.
iʻoa Pierre, the capital of South Dakota. Eng.
v. To trade; to traffic. Kin. 31:21. Hele ia i Honuaula i ka piele ia, he went to Honuaula to peddle fish. See PIIELE.
s. A disease consisting of little bunches on the head; he mai puupuu ma ke poo.
2. A kind of food made by grating kalo very finely and then cooking it.
Piele (pĭ-ē'-le), n.
/ pĭ-ē'-le /1. A disease consisting of little bunches on the head; he mai puupuu ma ke poo.
2. Food made from pulverized taro, potatoes, yarn, etc.
3. Traffic; trade.
4. A trader.
Piele (pĭ-ē'-le), v.
/ pĭ-ē'-le /1. To trade; to traffic: Hele ia i Honuaula i ka piele ia; he went to Honuaula to peddle fish.
2. To grate raw vegetables for cooking or in preparing piele.
Grated taro, cooked in a pudding of other ingredients.
Mattery eruptions or eczema of the scalp.
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