Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


Lūkini, wai lūkini, wai ʻala, wai hōʻaʻala, ʻaʻala, mea ʻala, onaona, puīa, moani, moaniani, manoʻi. Perfume container, ipu ʻala. Perfumed, pē, ʻala. To perfume, hōʻala, hoʻopē, hoʻopuīa. To issue perfume, pō. Perfume plants, as used to scent tapa; ihuanu, mokihana, maile, ʻiliahi, ʻawapuhi, kolū, kamani, lauaʻe, kūpaoa. Puna is overwhelmed with fragrance, niniu Puna pō i ke ʻala (see ). (Puna is famous for fragrant pandanus.)


/ Per-fume / Eng to Haw, Emerson (1845),

h. he mea ala.

(natural), mōa'nĭ, (ke) 'ălă, 'a'ă'lă; (bottled), lukĭ'nĭ, wăĭ'ă'lă: to perfume, hŏ'ŏpē'.


/ Per-fūme' / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

E hoo-pe'.


/ Pẽr'fūme / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

Mea ala; he ala.

E huli iā “perfume” ma Ulukau.

Search for “perfume” on Ulukau.

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