Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries


1. nvs., Lava flow, volcano, eruption; volcanic (named for the volcano goddess, Pele).

  • Examples:
    • ʻĀ pele, lava rock of any kind.
    • Hū ka pele, lava pour forth, to erupt.
  • References:

2. vs., Soft, swollen, fat; pounded or kneaded soft, as poi or dough.

3. n., Choice Kauaʻi tapa (FS 252–3), scented with maile and kūpaoa, said to be gray and dyed with charcoal made of burned sugar cane mixed with coconut water (preceded by ke).

4. vs., A term qualifying koʻi (adze), similar to kūpele.

5. n., Bell.

  • Source:
    • English.

6. (Cap.) n., Volcano goddess.

Nā LepiliTags: geology religion tapa Kauaʻi

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

See volcano.

Nā LepiliTags: geology

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

kikino, Volcano, volcanic; alarm bell, as on a clock or fire alarm.

Nā LepiliTags: geology

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

1. s., The name of the fabled goddess of volcanoes.

2. s., A volcano; he ahi ai honua; a fire consuming the earth; i neia wa, ua pio ka nui o na pele; i ka wa kahiko, he pele no ma Maui, at the present time the greater number of volcanoes is extinct; in ancient times there was a volcano also on Maui.

3. s., Sulphur proceeding from a volcano.

4. s., A stone from a volcano used in the play called puhenehene. See noa.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

v., To swell out; to be large; to be fleshy; to be fat; to have a large belly.

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

adj. Swelled out; enlarged; fleshy.

Pele (pē'-le), adj.

/ pē'-le / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

Swelled out; enlarged; fleshy.

Pele (pē'-le), n.

/ pē'-le / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. The fahled goddess of volcanoes.

2. A volcano; he ahi ai honua, a fire consuming the earth; I neia wa, ua pio ka nui o na pele; i ka wa kahiko, he pele no ma Maui, at the present time the greater number of volcanoes are extinct; in ancient times there was a volcano also on Maui.

Pele (pē'-le), v.

/ pē'-le / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

To be swollen; to be large to he fleshy; to be fat; to have a large abdomen.


WahiLocation, Place Names of Hawaiʻi (1974),

Lane and street, Punchbowl, Honolulu, named for the legendary volcano deity, Pele, who searched for a home at Punchbowl on her way from the Northwest (Leeward) lslands to Hawaiʻi Island (PH xii).

Volcano goddess.

Choice Kauaʻi-made kapa.

Goddess of volcanoes who is now believed to reside in Kilauea on Hawaiʻi. Her story is recorded by William Ellis, David Kalakaua, William D. Westervelt, and many others. She is credited with five brothers and eight sisters. The brothers were:

a volcano.

Lava flow, volcano, eruption (PE).

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