Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. nvt., Fan; to fan, brush, wave, signal, beckon, winnow.

  • Examples:
    • Ka mea i peʻahi ʻia i ka peʻahi (Isa. 30.24), which has been winnowed with the fan.
  • References:

2. n., The open hand, bones of the hand.

  • Examples:
    • Kou peʻahi ʻākau, a me kou lima (Hal. 44.3), your right hand and your arm.

3. n., A native fern (Microsorium spectrum syn. Polypodium spectrum) about 30 cm high, the fronds broad, pointed, commonly three-lobed.

  • References:
    • Neal 26.

4. n., A dark-colored stone with grain said to suggest the fingers of a hand.

  • Rare

Nā LepiliTags: anatomy flora geology rare

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1. s., The bones of the hand distinct from the arm; e malama i kona mau iwi ame na peahi lima.

2. The open hand; an open hand as a symbol of power. Hal. 44:3.

3. A fan. Mat. 3:12. The sign or picture of a fan marked on anything; he peahi ko kona poe kanaka, oia o lakou hoailona; ua kakauia ma ko lakou papalina.

4. A gentle fanning breeze; a soft wind, as though made with a fan; he koaniani.

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1. v., To fan; to sweep; to brush; to make wind with a fan.

2. To motion or beckon to one with the hand or otherwise.

3. To make signs with the hand. See kunou.

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/ pē-ā'-hi / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. n., The bones of the hand as distinct from those of the arm: a malama i kona mau iwi ame na peahi lima.

2. n., The open hand; an open hand as a symbol of power.

3. n., A fan. The sign or picture of a fan marked on anything: he peahi ko kona poe kanaka, oia o lakou hoailona: ua kakauia ma ko lakou papalina.

4. n., A gentle fanning breeze; a soft wind, as though made with a fan; he koaniani.

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/ pē-ā'-hi / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. v., To fan; to sweep; to brush.

2. v., To motion or beckon to one with the hand or otherwise.

3. v., To make signs with the hand.

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/ pe'-āhi / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

beckon. Land section. Hamakualoa. Maui.

Nā LepiliTags: geography Maui

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WahiLocation, Hawaiʻi Place Names (2002),

Tow-in surf site, windsurf site, Peʻahi, Maui. Also known as Jaws.

  • Literally, beckon.

Nā LepiliTags: Maui

Papa helu loliWehewehe Wikiwiki update log

Fan; to fan.

Bones of the hand as distinct from those of the arm.

Gentle fanning breeze; a soft wind, as though made with a fan. (A.)

I. he mea ia e hoomaemae i ka palaoa, Is. 30:24. Oia kekahi mea e akaka ai ko Iesu hookaawale ana i ka poe pono a me ka poe hewa, Ier. 15:17; Mat. 3:12. E nana HEHIPALAOA.

the hand: to fan, brush, beckon with hand.

A dark colored stone with grain (PE).

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