Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries

1. nvs. A cross (X-shaped; cf. the Christian cross, keʻa); to cross, as the hands or arms; to cross and tie; to turn and go. Peʻa aʻela nā lima i ke kua, crossed the hands on the back [a sign of grief (FS 285), anger, danger, or an insulting way to wish bad luck on another]. hoʻo.peʻa To cross and tie; fig., to persecute. No ka huāhuā i hoʻopeʻa aku ai lākou iāia (Mat. 27.18), for envy they had bound him. (PCP peka.)

2. n. Bat. Cf. more common ʻōpeʻapeʻa. Hanalei … ʻāina a ka peʻa i noho ai (FS 95). Hanalei … land where the bat lived. (PPN peka.)

3. n. Starfish, various species of Asteroidea. (KL. line 18.) Also peʻapeʻa, hōkū kai.

4. n. Sail, as of a canoe.

5. n. Forks or branches made of stalks of feathers bound at their bases with ʻieʻie roots, coming together to form the koʻo (stalk) which in turn is attached to the kāhili staff.

6. n. Boundary, edge, border, as of land. Mai kēlā peʻa ā kēia peʻa, from that border to this. E kau mai ana ʻo Hala-ʻaniʻani ma ka peʻa o ka nalu (Laie 509), Hala-ʻaniʻani landed on the edge of the wave.

7. vs. Menstruating, unclean, tattered (FS 167); to menstruate. Hale peʻa, menstrual house. Kapa peʻa (Isa. 64.6), filthy cloth.

8. n. Kite.

9. n. Tileaf thatch bundle.

10. n. Base of a leaf. Rare.

11. n. Sacred house.

Pī, pāpapa.

1. n., Fair, carnival, exhibit.

  • Source:
    • English.

2. n., Pear, avocado (Persea americana 🌐).

  • Source:
    • English.
  • References:
    • Neal 363–4.

3. n., Bear.

  • Source:
    • English.

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kikino Avocado. Dic. Also pea Hawaiʻi. Pea pakeleke. Pear, usually Bartlett.

kikino Cover for a fish tank, in aquaculture. Dic., ext. mng. See papa peʻa, paleʻeke, pelena peʻa. ʻŌmaka kau peʻa. Universal fitting, for putting pipes together.

Pāpapa poepoe.

v. To make a cross; to set up timbers in the form of a cross; to make four arms or four prominent points; to be opposed to.

2. Hoo. To accuse through envy. Mat. 27:18. To punish for little or no crime; ame ka hoopea wale o ka poe koikoi i ka poe liilii, and the great accused (punished) the small.

3. To be in bonds; to suffer, as a prisoner. Kol. 4:3. To bind one's hands behind his back or to a post; ua peaia kona mau lima i kona kua, no ka aihue.

4. To be bound or restrained from producing an effect. 2 Tim. 2:9. Hou aku la i ka hulu i ka inika, kakau iho la, pea ae la no, o kohu hele.

s. The extremity of a village or settlement; mai kela pea, a i keia pea, from one end of the settlement to the other end.

2. The name of one of the six houses of the ancient Hawaiians; he hale pea, oia kekahi hale. See HALE. E pani i ka puka o ka pea kapu, to shut the door of the pea, kapu, sacred house. Laieik. 167.

3. The sail of a canoe or ship.

4. The extreme end of a leaf of a tree.

5. A flying kite; he lupe hoolele.

6. The ground of offense; an entanglement in law; a difficulty.

7. The name of a many-pronged fish in the ocean; he mea ola manamana maloko o ka moana.

8. He hale koko. See HALEPEA.

9. The excrements of men; the place where they are thrown.

10. A cross or timbers put cross-wise thus X, formerly placed before the heiaus as a sign of kapu (taboo); e kau pea, to place in the form of a cross. See KEA.

adj. Filthy; unclean; kapa pea. Isa. 64:6. Welu pea, a menstruous cloth. Isa. 30:22. Defiled; haumia; belonging to menstruation. See HALEPEA and KAPAPEA.

1. To make a cross; to set up timbers in the form of a cross; to make four arms or four prominent points.

2. To be opposed to.

1. The extremity of a village or settlement: mai kela pea a i keia pea, from one end of the settlement to the other end.

2. One of the six houses of the ancient Hawaiians: he hale pea, oia kekahi hale. E pani i ka puka o ka pea kapu, to shut the door of the pea kapu, sacred house. Laieik. p. 167.

3. The sail of a canoe or ship.

4. The extreme end of a leaf of a tree.

5. A kite.

6. A cross used as a barrier or sign; a tabu sign; a cross or timbers put crosswise. Formerly placed before the temple as a sign of tabu.

Filthy; unclean; defiled; belonging to menstruation. See halepea and kapapea.

Canoe sail.

Cross of timbers placed crosswise in the form of an X before the heiau as a kapu sign.

House to isolate wife for monthly period.

Starfish, an echinoderm (class Asteroidiae). Also called hōkūkai, ʻōpe apeʻa, peʻape a.

h. he pi. mea kanu.


bear; pear; avocado.

cross, tabu sign; sail.

cross, tabu sign; sail.


/ Pēa (pē) / Eng to Haw, Hitchcock (1887),

He pi; hua ai.

Boundary, edge, border, as of land (PE).

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