1. nvs. A cross (X-shaped; cf. the Christian cross, keʻa); to cross, as the hands or arms; to cross and tie; to turn and go. Peʻa aʻela nā lima i ke kua, crossed the hands on the back [a sign of grief (FS 285), anger, danger, or an insulting way to wish bad luck on another]. hoʻo.peʻa To cross and tie; fig., to persecute. No ka huāhuā i hoʻopeʻa aku ai lākou iāia (Mat. 27.18), for envy they had bound him. (PCP peka.)
2. n. Bat. Cf. more common ʻōpeʻapeʻa. Hanalei … ʻāina a ka peʻa i noho ai (FS 95). Hanalei … land where the bat lived. (PPN peka.)
3. n. Starfish, various species of Asteroidea. (KL. line 18.) Also peʻapeʻa, hōkū kai.
4. n. Sail, as of a canoe.
5. n. Forks or branches made of stalks of feathers bound at their bases with ʻieʻie roots, coming together to form the koʻo (stalk) which in turn is attached to the kāhili staff.
6. n. Boundary, edge, border, as of land. Mai kēlā peʻa ā kēia peʻa, from that border to this. E kau mai ana ʻo Hala-ʻaniʻani ma ka peʻa o ka nalu (Laie 509), Hala-ʻaniʻani landed on the edge of the wave.
7. vs. Menstruating, unclean, tattered (FS 167); to menstruate. Hale peʻa, menstrual house. Kapa peʻa (Isa. 64.6), filthy cloth.
8. n. Kite.
9. n. Tileaf thatch bundle.
10. n. Base of a leaf. Rare.
11. n. Sacred house.