/ pau.pau.aho /Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
v. Paupau and aho, breath. To be out of breath; to pant for breath.
2. To be faint-hearted; to give over an undertaking without sufficient effort. Hoik. 2:3.
3. To be discouraged through fear. Ier. 4:31.
4. To be faint through great exertion. 2 Sam. 21:15.
5. Hoo. To weary; to trouble; to provoke. Isa. 7:13.
adj. Breathless; panting for breath, as a dying person.
2. Giving up a pursuit; discouraged; faint-hearted.
1. Breathless; panting for breath, as a dying person.
2. Giving up a pursuit; discouraged; faint-hearted.
[Paupau and aho, breath.]
1. To be out of breath; to pant for breath.
2. To be faint-hearted; to give up an undertaking without sufficient effort.
3. To be discouraged.
4. To be faint.
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