/ pau.oa /n., A fern (Dryopteris squamigera) to 90 cm or more high, the stem clothed with tan scales, the frond triangular to ovate and two or three times pinnate.
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n., A fern (Dryopteris squamigera) to 90 cm or more high, the stem clothed with tan scales, the frond triangular to ovate and two or three times pinnate.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
No base definition, only supplemental content.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
Bay, surf site, Mauna Lani, Hawaiʻi. Small bay at the west end of the Mauna Lani Resort property and the site of Holoholokai Beach Park. The surf site is in the bay.
Papa helu loli | Wehewehe Wikiwiki update log
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