Wehewehe Wikiwiki Hawaiian language dictionaries



/ pau.aho / Haw to Eng, Pukui-Elbert (1986),

vs., Out of breath, breathless, gasping for breath, panting, worn-out. Figuratively, discouraged, faint-hearted, despairing, desperate, weary, exhausted; to die.

  • Examples:
    • Pauaho mai ʻo Mea i kēia ola ʻana, so-and-so has departed this life.

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v. Pau and aho, breath. To be out of breath.

2. To be discouraged; to give up the pursuit of a thing; to forsake it.

3. To be faint-hearted; to be discouraged. 1 Oihl. 22:13. To be weary on account of trouble. Kin. 27:46.

4. Hoo. To labor in vain. Kin. 19:11. To despair of success. Kekah. 2:20.

adj. Breathless. FIG. Faint-hearted; giving up; yielding; wanting perseverance.

Pauaho (pă'u-ā'-ho), adj.

/ pă'u-ā'-ho / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

1. Breathless.

2. Fig. Faint-hearted; giving up; yielding; wanting perseverance.

Pauaho (pă'u-ā'-ho), v.

/ pă'u-ā'-ho / Haw to Eng, Parker (1922),

[Pau, all, and aho, breath.]

1. To be out of breath.

2. To be discouraged; to give up the pursuit of a thing; to forsake it.

3. To be fainthearted; to be discouraged. To be weary on account of trouble.

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