vs. Barren, arid, desert, dry, hot, parched. Also ʻanoa. Koʻa panoa (For. 6:501), dry coral bank, as at low tide. Panoa e like me ka wao akua (Zep. 2.13) a dry waste like the wilderness. hoʻo.panoa Caus/sim.; to cause barrenness.
vs. Barren, arid, desert, dry, hot, parched. Also ʻanoa. Koʻa panoa (For. 6:501), dry coral bank, as at low tide. Panoa e like me ka wao akua (Zep. 2.13) a dry waste like the wilderness. hoʻo.panoa Caus/sim.; to cause barrenness.
kikino Desert. Dic.
v. To make dry; to make solitary, as a dry, barren, desolate place. Zep. 2:13.
s. A wild desert place; a dry desert.
2. A deep place; a cavern. See PANO.
3. A name applied to a woman who cannot obtain a husband; or having a husband, is barren and has no children.
adj. Dry; applied to a place parched with drought, without water, where no vegetable grows, where no seed will vegetate.
Dry; applied to a place parched with drought, without water, where no vegetable grows, where no seed will vegetate.
1. A barren region.
2. Any place lacking moisture.
A woman who gives herself up to a vicious life.
To be dry; to be solitary, as a dry, barren, desolate place.
barren region: desert.
Barren, arid, desert, dry, hot, parched.
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